Internationally Recognized Human Rights Standards

Human Rights

Goals toward Achieving the SDGs


Goals and KPI

2030 Goal
Achieve a culture and business activities that respect human rights, which are understood by all executives and employees
2024 Goal
Create a culture and a management system that respects human rights
2030 KPI
Achieve a human rights training participation rate of 100% by 2024 (Target: Consolidated Group)

Approach and System

Approach to Human Rights

Human rights are inherent to all human beings, and respecting them is essential for creating a sustainable society. Since the United Nations adopted the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011, the importance of "respect for human rights" as a prerequisite for doing business has increased among companies.

In order to achieve our corporate mission of "making work more fun and creative" for our users, we must first enjoy working ourselves and develop a workplace that is free from human rights violations, while ensuring that our business activities do not cause or contribute to such violations.
We have set a 2030 goal to build an organization that respects human rights and will make steady progress towards achieving it.

Respect for Human Rights Management System

The CEO Office, which reports directly to the CEO, is the main department in charge of human rights, with the CEO Office Manager, who is an executive, responsible for ensuring and implementing respect for human rights. They collect information on respect for human rights and develop roadmaps for human rights activities. Going forward, we plan to establish a formal system for human rights management and engage in activities that contribute to them.

kubell's Main Initiatives

Respect for Human Rights Roadmap

We plan to establish a system to prevent, promptly identify, and correct human rights violations, as well as increase understanding and instill awareness of human rights in a manner that is linked to our values, in order to achieve our 2030 goal.

Respect for Human Rights Roadmap
What to Work On Specific Actions and Roadmap
1) Establish a system to prevent, promptly identify, and correct human rights violations 2023
  • Establish people in charge of human rights
  • Formulate a policy and plan for human rights activities
  • Establish a human rights consultation, reporting, and resolution office
  • Confirm the existence of serious human rights issues
  • Start developing a human rights due diligence framework
2) Instill awareness of human rights based on values 2023-2024
  • Implement a human rights training program for all employees
  • Realize an organization that respects human rights

Implementation of Human Rights Training

We implemented an internal training program on respect for human rights in fiscal year 2022, with a participation rate of 89.6% (258 employees).